When purchasing a firearm the requirements are lenient and lacking depth. With recent tragedies we have witnessed the horrific events… read more
In response to the recent tragedy at Newtown, Ct. we as parents (and taxpayers) believe there should be a military… read more
http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-28702356 http://www.concordmonitor.com/news/work/business/13028646-95/british-airways-joins-emirates-in-west-african-flight-ban-amid-ebola-outbreak read more
This petition follows the death of Lorraine Barwell the Serco PCO escorting officer who passed away after being assaulted by… read more
"Mohammed Al Housain, 25, a doctor from Aleppo, remembered seeing the boat toss before finding himself underwater. He couldn't tell… read more
Our nation has suffered too much at the hands of dangerous people who use guns to commit horrific acts of… read more
On October 10 2015, at 7:25 pm there was a tragic accident taking the life of my 20 year old… read more
Around Halloween Celebration, in 1998 in Gothenburg NightClub from Sweden, 63 people dies, and in Cocoanut Grave, 1942 from USA,… read more
On Saturday, October 28th 2017, Aiden, 22 months old, lost his life after falling from a third story window around… read more