Tibet, a region in East China, has been under the Chinese Goverment since the 1950's, and all it did was… read more
Since the 1950's, Tibet has been under control of the Chinese rule and Communism. China promised to bring fair treatment,… read more
Das IOC ist aktuell wohl jene Instanz, die am effizientesten Druck auf das chinesische Regime ausüben kann. Das IOC soll… read more
Depuis 1949, les autorités chinoises non seulement privent les tibétains de la liberté de religion, de la liberté d'opinion et… read more
The U.S. government released a report on the human rights situation in China which can be found here; http://www.state.gov/g/drl/rls/hrrpt/2008/eap/119037.htm. It… read more
Lhasa Beer USA imports 'Lhasa Beer' from a communist Chinese business (the Lhasa Brewing Company Limited) based in occupied Tibet,… read more
Dear President of China, the world can no longer see what you do with the people in Tibet so we… read more
Can you picture 7,000 young buffaloes being rounded up and killed by a thousand drunk men carrying large knives? A… read more
President Obama has decided to delay his meeting with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in November so he does… read more
Strengthen the Nepali/Tibetan Rug Industry and Enhance Livelihoods for Nepali/Tibetan Refugee Weavers and Artisans The economic potential of the Nepali… read more