August 6, 2006 Lebanese children, women, men are dying every day. Israel is conducting an unjust war on Lebanon, diplomatic… read more
Microsoft announced that they won’t be supporting the DVB-x standard in Windows Vista Media Centre. This petition is to show… read more
There are people in our country (Men and Woman), who unfortunately, have had trouble in their marriage and had to… read more
This petition is regarding the support for a community memorial garden in South Pasadena. The petition is written by Lisa… read more
一本便利已經不止一次刊登令人神共憤的照片 投訴亦有如雪花 言論自由是重要 但是言論自由的目的是把我們想知的說出來 側田是不是禿頭我們不想知道 李蘊的性感照片我們不想目睹 阿嬌的換杉片段我們不想看到 他們雖然是藝人..用來娛樂大眾 但大眾看到會開心嗎?? 我想只有一少部分人智樂意看見這些報導!! 一個記者 能夠為報導而破壞一個歌手的前途嗎?? 能夠為報導而斷送一個女孩的快樂嗎?? 能夠為報導而傷害一個明星的心靈嗎?? 身為歌迷..你希望看見偶像傷心嗎?? 身為父母..你忍受到子女受塗毒嗎?? 他們也是人.. 也會傷心.. 請不要把我們的快樂建築在他們的痛苦身上!! read more
We the undersigned DEMAND that our government show the ultimate support for our TROOPS by bringing them HOME. read more
The Mayor of Doncaster Mr Martin Winter is in his second term as the directly Elected Mayor of Doncaster, under… read more
A petition to register support for the exemption from the Annual Australian Amateur Radio License fees, for all serving and… read more
The US Postal Service believes it will save money and make America's mail service more efficient if they implement a… read more
On Friday the tenth of Novemeber Wynsdey was contacted at her home in regard to an alleged patients rights violation… read more