The town of Carbonear feels that we should have a skateboard park that would keep kids out of trouble. The… read more
In our community there are a lot of skateboarders and we barely are allowed to skate anywhere because everything is… read more
THE CITY OF NEWARK LAW Skateboarding Restrictions: When signs are erected giving notice thereof, the use of skateboards is prohibited… read more
In 2003, an estimated thirteen million skateboarders where inhabiting the US alone. Of those 13 million participants of the ever-evolving… read more
The Mytchett skatepark itself, skateboarders feel very limited to one ramp. the wooden ramp of the park is chipped and… read more
Sacramento has finally started building great skateparks, but only in places that are hard to get to for younger children… read more
The City of Newark Plans to develop the site of the old Curtis Paper Mill as a community park. We… read more
Skateboarders, bikers and the like of the Woodstock community are in need of a safe, well-designed facility just like any… read more
We form our argument on the following grounds: 1. Longboarding, a form of skateboarding involving a longer more stable skateboard… read more
The City of Sydney Council has been putting off the proposed skateboard park in the CBD for 6 years now.… read more