We form our argument on the following grounds:
1. Longboarding, a form of skateboarding involving a longer more stable skateboard suitable for long distance transportation, is a healthy, pollution-free form of transportation and has gained popularity in Saskatoon at an incredible rate. Yet, longboarding continues to be restricted in the downtown and Broadway areas.
2. Regular skateboarding is also a form of active, carbon-free transportation and should not be discouraged by restrictions.
3. The bylaw cites "inconveniencing pedestrians" as a basis for this restriction.
a. We do not object to keeping point 35, subpoint (1) stating that "a person... may not crowd or jostle other pedestrians". Safety for other pedestrians is our greatest concern.
b. On the grounds of fairness, longboards and skateboards should not face any greater restriction than rollerblading or rollerskating. Currently, rollerblading and rollerskating do not face these restrictions.
4. While destruction of property due to skateboard "grinding" is a concern, a few clarifications are in order.
a. Grinding is almost impossible on a longboard due to its length and weight.
b. Mischief law already exists to punish those committing property damage.
5. Parking and traffic congestion downtown is increasing. During the snow-free months, individuals longboarding or skateboarding downtown would reduce this congestion.
Thank you for your consideration.
In the name of promoting active living and non-fossil fuel transportation we the undersigned, residents of Saskatoon, request that the City Council of Saskatoon amend City of Saskatoon Bylaw No. 7200 - The Traffic Bylaw to remove the skateboarding restriction described in Part VI, point 35, subpoint (2) and mapped in Schedule 5 of the bylaw.
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The Legalize Longboarding & Skateboarding in Downtown Saskatoon petition to Mayor Atchison and City Councilors was written by Michael Nemeth and is in the category Law Reform at GoPetition.