Please see the attached video. read more
“When everyone came to this country, they found us here. Our paintings are all over this land, they are our… read more
Τα Λουτρά Αιδηψού είναι μια κωμόπολη που βρίσκεται στο βόρειο τμήμα του νησιού της Εύβοιας και είναι γνωστή από αρχαιοτάτων… read more
We want more workers to Silvermoon, so that the restoration that goes on for 6-7 years can finally be done.… read more
Millionaires, billionaires, and massive corporations have made donations to assist the Catholic Church in the restoration of the Notre Dame… read more
The village fountain provided villagers with fresh water for nearly 200 years up until the 1970s. It has since been… read more
Since 22 August 2020, PVT Halliday has been labeled as a criminal, a “DESERTER”, without proof or evidence. He is… read more
Sign this petition to Rescind Richard's Article 15 and Defer All present Article 15s at Fort Bliss until investigated. Help… read more
Richard Halliday vanished from his barracks room on 23 July 2020. He only had a week or two before discharge.… read more
Sign this petition to request military recruiters discontinue recruiting anyone under the age of 20 years old. Request changing Title… read more