The Kawamoto Pool in Hilo, Hawaii has been out of service for the last 8 months. Prior to needing repair… read more
In the neighborhood rules there is no mention of pools. read more
Wilton Primary School in Hawick has had a special hydrotherapy swimming pool for the use of both additional needs and… read more
Lewisham Council is proposing to move the swimming pools from Dartmouth Road to Willow Way in Sydenham. We believe that… read more
A Jr. Olympic sized pool is a rare asset for any public school in Oklahoma. The facility should be recognized… read more
The Council is proposing to change the use of the second pool located in the centre of Newcastle. Its new… read more
The Mytchett skatepark itself, skateboarders feel very limited to one ramp. the wooden ramp of the park is chipped and… read more
You have come here from our Website, so you already know the arguments and background. Public opinion is the… read more
PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT AS TO HOW CHLORINE AFFECTS YOU. In response to the following question, What precautions should parents… read more
Over 40 years ago the Schiller Park Memorial Pool was dedicated to the residents who honorably lost their lives in… read more