Female genital mutilation (FGM) comprises all procedures that involve partial or total removal of the external female genitalia, or other… read more
cyberbullying has been happening on websites like.. facebook.com, myspace.com, aim.com, twitter.com, yahoo.com, etc. read more
We form our argument on the following grounds: 1. Longboarding, a form of skateboarding involving a longer more stable skateboard… read more
The time has come for the map packs of Call of Duty 2 and 3 to be made free to… read more
Placebo’s current “Battle For The Sun” Tour around the globe has been a complete success since same started past June… read more
The only aim of this Petition is to get wikipedia to change the name for Londonderry from 'Derry' to Londonderry… read more
Sign to get Pretty Little Liars on before January! read more
It is intended that Severalls Lane, Colchester will accommodate the largest permanent Gypsy and Travellers Site in North East Essex.… read more
In 1954 according to the minutes of the Andover Council, a proposal was made to extend the lower half of… read more
Dear Mr. Iya, We are writing to draw your attention to news that has been circulating through many western media,… read more