სახალხო დამცველის მოხსენებებში არაერთხელ აღინიშნა, რომ სამართალდამცავი ორგანოების მხრიდან კვლავაც არ კეთდება ჯეროვანი რეაგირება ქვეყანაში განხორციელებულ შეუწყნარებლობის… read more
In accord to UN General Assemblies, two very clear Declarations against RELIGIOUS INTOLERANCE were done by them. They are related… read more
I have learnt about prejudice before and I think that it is completely wrong. I am very hurt when people… read more
“The textbooks encourage children to develop ‘apartheid attitudes’” toward Tamils. In the 1950s and 1960s, Tamil and Sinhalese scholars vehemently… read more
The Russian government wants to ban gothic and emo music. They also want to ban any youngster from entering a… read more
We the people will not stand for intolerance against lactose intolerants! Did you know that 30% of Americans are lactose… read more
Recent words and actions of some public figures and organizations have engendered anti-Muslim sentiment. read more
As one of many users who have had their content removed from Wattpad, I recognize a trend happening on Wattpad… read more