Farzad Kamangar, Ali Heydarian, Farhad Vakili, Shirin Alam-Holi, Mehdi Eslamian, were hanged on Sunday, 9 May at Evin prison in… read more
Dear friends, Almost one year has passed since a new era in the struggle of the Iranian people to achieve… read more
As you properly know, there is an undemokratic dictatorship in Thailand, which will not let democracy come up. Many innocent… read more
ბოლო დროს განვითარებულმა მოვლენებმა აშკარა გახადა რომ საქართველოში საქმე გვაქვს მართლმადიდებლების უფლებების მიზანმიმართულ დარღვევასთან, და ეს კანონდარღვევა… read more
I am being tortured in association with a psychiatric human rights abuse case from over 20 long years ago and… read more
I would like to bring to the attention that both Laos and Vietnam are two separated sovereign states, with full… read more
Recently a package of legislation was introduced in the state senate, called the Methadone Accountability Package. These bills and a… read more
It is a well known fact, due to historical evidence, that the Assyrians are the indigenous people of Iraq. Yet… read more
Britain's counter-terrorism strategy was thrown into turmoil when a judge ruled that two Pakistani students posed a serious threat to… read more
Angela Hermens has received a seizure alert dog, and the landlord / Red Door Housing are evicting her for having… read more