We are witnessing yet another incident of a legal indictment for Milena Ivanova, a Bulgarian national, an EU citizen. Her… read more
Antonio de Nigris, a Mexican footballer who played for Larissa FC, tragically died on November 16, 2009. He died because… read more
Apocalypse Con.. It's gonna be EPIC.... are u ready for this?Cause we are...... and we cant wait any more. read more
ΕΜΕΙΣ, ο ελληνικός λαός παρακολουθούμε τους εκπροσώπους της κυβέρνησής να επιτρέπουν στα οικονομικά συφμέροντα να μας ληστεύουν ανοιχτά και απροκάλυπτα.… read more
There is an emergency for the European union and the European people to support the Greek people in today's crisis.… read more
Cyprus is a small country and a member of the EU. Two fifths of the island are populated by over… read more
"ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ΔΕΝ ΘΕΩΡΕΙΤΑΙ ΣΥΜΦΩΝΗΜΕΝΟ ΑΝ ΔΕΝ ΣΥΜΦΩΝΗΘΟΥΝ ΟΛΑ" (βασική αρχή διαλόγου- υποτιθέμενη έξοδος διαφυγής) Κυρίες και… read more
It was on May Day 124 years ago that 300,000 workers first took to the streets demanding an 8-hour work… read more
Όπως οι οπαδοί της σειράς ήδη γνωρίζουμε, το Star Channel έχει επιλέξει να προβάλλει την αγαπημένη μας σειρά, το SUPERNATURAL,… read more
Throughout Greece there is a great problem with large numbers of roaming stray cats. Law 3170 doesn't make any body… read more