United we stand. We do make a difference. We vote for truth, love, and honest reasoning. Current Issues affecting the… read more
Iran has been targeting Egyptian Sovereignty during the 2000s and still is doing so, to create Chaos in the Middle… read more
The arrest of over 100 people who demonstrated last year against the Israeli invasion of Gaza, the charging of 78… read more
Εν όψει των απειλών του κράτους του Ισραήλ εναντίον του Στόλου της ελευθερίας, θεωρώ ότι οι κυβερνήσεις των δυτικών χωρών… read more
Around 20 activists massacred, dozens injured, as Tel-Aviv Apartheid regime opens fire on Gaza-bound humanitarian aid flotilla on international waters.… read more
On 30th May 2010, under the cover of darkness, the Israeli military hijacked the Free Gaza Movement flotilla in international… read more
The world has looked on aghast as more and more details emerge of the violent attack by the Israeli Government… read more
Israeli forces killed humanitarian activist Rachel Corrie who was trying to stop destruction of a doctors home in Palestine. They… read more
In an effort to take advantage of the momentum towards accountability that the report of the Fact Finding Mission on… read more
On 27 December 2008, without warning, Israeli forces began a devastating bombing campaign on the Gaza Strip codenamed Operation “Cast… read more