Hi, It is truely saddening that there is not a witch histroy month in this country. I propose that the… read more
We address this matter to you as the President of South Africa and leader of the ANC. 1. We refer… read more
Circuses are shown to be fun and entertaining, which attracts the public, especially for children because of the bright colours… read more
Primero le rompieron su violin por tocar en las protestas pacíficas de Venezuela Luego lo hirieron no una, sino dos… read more
Gopetition.com's Term of Use T specifies that referring to Donald Trump as a "racist" falls into the category of "propaganda"… read more
Anyone who has been paying attention to current events in the United States of America, is aware of AntiFa and… read more
Richard Preston is currently having his civil rights and constitutional rights taken away from him. He is having his right… read more
On September 20, 2017, I was stopped by a Campus Police Officer who informed me that use of skateboards of… read more
Tired of the U.S. Government and the media controlling what you can do or think? LET THE PEOPLE SPEAK. We… read more
This is a call on Nigerians to rise up in solidarity against the Non Governmental Organizations Regulatory Commission Bill currently… read more