#Civil Rights
President Trump and the governor of Virginia
United States of America

Richard Preston is currently having his civil rights and constitutional rights taken away from him. He is having his right of life taken away from him for defending himself and others in a life or death situation. We need to come together as one to free and drop all charges against Richard. Richard is a very kind and patriotic person. He would give the shirt off his back to help anyone in need. Please sign this petition to help Richard gain his rights back as an American citizen.

We the undersigned,call for the governor of Virginia to free and drop all charges against Richard W. Preston. We believe he has had his civil and constitutional rights taken away from him. We are in agreement that he has acted in his right to life freedom.

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The Free and drop charges against Richard preston petition to President Trump and the governor of Virginia was written by Jodi powers and is in the category Civil Rights at GoPetition.

Petition Tags

freedom Richard Preston