Occupy Nelson started as a community response to the call for world wide action in solidarity with thousands of Occupy… read more
The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act of 1901 is a foundation document enacted by the British Parliament. Only 8 referendums… read more
We all know that Super Junior and Girls' Generation have a wonderful relationship between them, but their fans, SONE and… read more
The Western Cape has existed as a province of South Africa since it was coerced into the union in 1910.… read more
The arrest of Rachid Nini was unfair as it was clearly a political message of punishment sent by those who… read more
الشاب البطل علي محمود عثمان المعروف "بالجد", ذو الأربع وثلاثين ربيعاً صاحب القلب الطيب, الأخ الأكبر… read more
The Government paid the banks money to help the people out on the loans and we have not seen any… read more
I was a regular Cafe Nero Customer until today. They have now twice restricted my ability to view web pages… read more
The Congress of America has and is failing to legislate effectively due to partisan politics, back door deals, corruption, and… read more
حجاب چیست!؟ [ حجاب ] عبارت است از؛ [ اتهام به مردان ]، که به محکومیت… read more