澳門人對地球的責任 對抗氣候變化有何辦法? 科學家最新研究:爭分奪秒地種一萬億棵樹,便可減少大氣層碳量的四分一!!!將碳量降到百年未見之水平。 Macau people's responsibility to the earth. How to fight climate change? That may sound like a lot… read more
The creek near FEU is quite unclean. The sight and the odour of it is very unpleasant to the eyes… read more
small juice boxes with plastic straws on the side. My aim is to stop them from using plastic and start… read more
Lawyers can and will play an integral role in implementing solutions to the climate crisis. If you are a lawyer… read more
The village fountain provided villagers with fresh water for nearly 200 years up until the 1970s. It has since been… read more
The Columbia City Council is voting on a bill to allow 3rd parties to haul food scraps for the purpose… read more
#GRETATHUNBERG has pleaded to reduce Carbon Footprint. It is obvious from reports around the world that the environment is suffering… read more
Brazilian president "The Chainsaw Man " is pushing his son to become ambassador in The USA. Nobody in the world… read more
There is too much waste being created by takeout food and drinks and it is ending up in our landfills… read more
Pollution that impacts a person's ability to enjoy a vista is called visual pollution. It is primarily an aesthetic issue,… read more