حفاظا على كرامة مصر و أبنائها، نهيب بكم بان تسارعوا لإنقاذ مصرنا من براثن الإرهاب والفتنة.… read more
Stefano Khalil Atteya, who goes by “Niko” is a 12 year old boy from Fayetteville who was abducted in Egypt… read more
EGYPT CANCER RANK BY TYPE (2010 Stats), AGE-STANDARDIZED DEATH RATE, PER 100,000 POPULATION. By Rate & (World Rank) Bladder Cancer… read more
The village of Mataria (part of Cairo) was popular among pilgrims from the Holy Land and was considered one of… read more
Sunday 12 May 2013 - Egypt youth group calls for solidarity protest for convicted activists. 'Free Front for Peaceful Change'… read more
On 14th August, Egyptian military force attempted to clear and crack down the protest camp and followed by brutal suppression… read more
Vincente Tenerelli a young college graduate, was the victim of an assault while a tourist in Egypt. He was wrongfully… read more
The judge who sent three al-Jazeera English journalists to jail in Egypt has accused them of being in league with… read more
لقد عان المصريين عبر السنوات الماضية من عدم وضوح الرؤية عند الآخر عن حقيقة ما يدور… read more
One man. One man is the most responsible for Islamic extremism. Wikipedia describes him as the "most influential Wahhabi Muslim… read more