the Islamic Republic Supreme Court confirmed the death sentences of five Arab Ahwazi activists who were co-founders or active members… read more
Our Congress people constantly promise to close the borders after amnesty is granted but then they don't follow through. We… read more
We, the American People, strongly oppose amnesty or any kind of legalization for illegal aliens. We are extremely concerned of… read more
Whereas, Marco Rubio has disappointed his entire conservative voter base with his troubling push of amnesty for illegal aliens in… read more
The citizens of Tennessee hereby voice their opposition to illegal immigration and amnesty in any legalese, format, or color and… read more
Until a boycott starts hurting Mexican and Central American tourism, illegal immigration into the U.S.A. will continue to be an… read more
I believe it is high time American citizens clarify where we stand on illegal immigration to our leaders. Our country… read more
Americans are angry and want to know why illegal immigration is allowed to continue and why does Obama ignore the… read more
Arrêté le vendredi 20/09/2014 chez- lui, rue Sanhaja à Khzema, gouvernorat de Sousse, Zied Younes âgé de 25 ans, doctorant… read more