This 55 acre park is popular with a diverse community demographic - families, nurseries/schools, runners, footballers, cyclists, fitness trainers, (dog)… read more
Chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans and gorillas are closely related to humans, sharing up to 99% of our genetic material. They also… read more
Vlasmarkt! onderneemt actie en wil garanties dat de unieke identiteit van het Kortrijkse plein Vlasmarkt behouden blijft. Hieronder verstaan we… read more
Tražimo od vlasti Republike Srbije, AP Vojvodine, Grada Subotice i svih nadležnih organa uključujući MUP, bezbednosne, sudske i komunalne organe… read more
Neither the federal Environmental Protection Agency, nor the New York Department of Environmental Conservation has stepped forward to protect the… read more
Public Notification Period for the petition is from 24 January to 8 March 2013, please ensure you sign within this… read more
近日,香港的新聞自由受到社會各界廣泛關注,繼副總理李克強訪港、警察公共關係科的隱瞞公布、香港電台的人事變動,都令大家對新聞自由度下降表示關注。至十一月二十三日,劉慧卿議員在立法會提出「捍衛新聞自由議案」,經分組投票遭到否決,及至民政事務局長曾德成先生對事件的回應,都顯示出香港政府對新聞自由的漠視及冷感。就此,香港浸會大學傳理學會現正發起公眾網上聯署行動,轉達香港特區政府,表示未來傳媒工作者、大學生以及市民對今次事件的關注。 read more
Farmers across every sector of the industry in Bundaberg region have been hit with crippling rates rises of up to… read more
A Incinerator company is trying to persuade Bristol Township Zoning Board to approved a Hazardous Waste Incinerator in Bristol Township.… read more
The Hall Lane (Upminster) mini-golf course has been a treasured feature of Upminster for many years, but lack of investment… read more