Maryam Majd, a sports photojournalist, was scheduled to arrive in Dusseldorf, Germany on 17 June to photograph the FIFA Women’s… read more
SYMPHYSIOTOMY IS A cruel and dangerous childbirth operation that unhinges the pelvis, severing the symphysis joint or, in the case… read more
Depuis 1949, les autorités chinoises non seulement privent les tibétains de la liberté de religion, de la liberté d'opinion et… read more
Es importante que apoyemos esta petición como forma de contribuir a que los cubanos recuperen sus derechos civiles. read more
The Equality and Human Rights Commission is an independent body responsible for enforcing equality legislation on age, disability, gender, race,… read more
John Hunt is a trauma survivor with a diagnosis of 'paranoid schizophrenia'. He has spent over four years locked up… read more
*UPDATE 2012-12-01 U.N. Committee Condemns Human Rights Abuses in Iran Iran Human Rights, November 28, 2012: A resolution on the… read more
Updated on June 21, 2016. IRGC’s Officials Arrest Civil Rights Activist Shima Babai. Shima Babai, the civil rights activist, was… read more
Through out the past years after the Vietnam war there existed what is called a "Secret War". Many American soldiers… read more
Από την νύχτα της Κυριακής προς Δευτέρα 31 Μαΐου 2010, όταν οι ισραηλινές ειδικές ναυτικές δυνάμεις επιτέθηκαν σε διεθνή ύδατα… read more