In 2004 the U.S. Government called the atrocities in Darfur genocide... ...3 years later the killing continues. -More than 450,000… read more
In the United Kingdom, a carer is paid the equivalent of 40p per minute to be primary carer for a… read more
Olyan témát feszeget, melyet legtöbben alig vagy csak hallásból ismernek. Vagy a "hollywoodi" sztorikat... Sok revizionistát ért atrocitás, vagy megölték… read more
I would like to bring to the attention that both Laos and Vietnam are two separated sovereign states, with full… read more Did you know that there are a billion people starving worldwide? Around 29,000 of children under the age of… read more
Dutch Iranian woman faces death sentence Posted by admin on January 5, 2011 in English, Featured, Urgent | 0 Comment… read more
Baloch teenager who seven months ago, was kidnapped by Amnyny forces, is at risk of execution. Reporters informed the Hrana,… read more
← Mission Statement of the International Coalition for the Rights of Iranian Refugees ICRIR PRESS RELEASE: URGENT: 30 Iranian Asylum-seekers… read more
در سلول انفرادی بند 209 اوین یک نفر دارد جان می دهد. نفسش سبز است، ننگ… read more
Sonia Garro Alfonso, from the Cuban Pacifist Movement Women in White and her husband, Ramón Alejandro Muñoz González, Human Right… read more