In December of 2001, while pleading guilty to a racketeering, loansharking and money laundering indictment that accused him of being… read more
We live in an age where increased violence, irreversible damage to the environment and inequality on national, economical, religious and… read more
Racism is Terrible! It has to stop! We should not make fun of each others backgrounds and religons. If there… read more
請響應利用網路資源大聲說出自己是台灣(Taiwanese),國家叫台灣(Taiwan),使用台文(台灣文字,即正體中文) 以domain name為例,申請一個諧音為華語及台語「愛台灣」的domain name: A Taiwanese should love Taiwan 以部落格為例,自己的blog網站描述設定如下: A Taiwanese Blog Just another Taiwanese weblog… read more
We, Oromo and other citizens of Ethiopia, demand that the Ethiopian government allow Jimma Times to have license for its… read more
A holokauszt-tagadás kizárólag fasiszta egyének és csoportok céljait szolgálja. Magyarországon a holokauszt-tagadás lehetővé teszi a holokauszt megemlékezések és túlélők meggyalázását,… read more
Virginia legislators gave in to animal rights activist this past session and passed felony legislation against rooster fighting.... The public… read more
(**IMPORTANT NOTE** This petition is for MEMBERS of the Blackfeet tribe. Please be 18 or older and enrolled if you… read more
The fate of Nama Jafari, the editor of the 35anj website, remains unknown more than 10 days after his arrest,… read more
On January 31, prominent Kazakh dissident, author, and poet Aron Atabek turned 60. Atabek marked the milestone alone, in solitary… read more