My 12 year old daughter was put through an airport full body scanner without parental or adult consent. This is… read more
Parental Alienation also know as, Hostile Aggressive Parenting involves a series of behaviors, can effectively alienate a child from a… read more
We are the Brauer - Harris family. We have been abused by the judicial system for more than 13 years.… read more
In 1994, the world bears witness to the tragic sexual murder of seven year old Megan Kanka at the hands… read more
Dana 22.9.2009. na zagrebačkom kvartu Trnje / Savica postavljeni su znakovi za naplatu parkiranja u 3. zelenoj zoni (Zinke Kunc,… read more
Mountazer Al Zaidi is the journalist who threw a pair of shoes on George W. Bush, a week ago in… read more
Every student has the right to protect themselves on or off campus. read more
Los derechos humanos son aquellas libertades, facultades, instituciones o reivindicaciones relativas a bienes primarios o básicos que incluyen a toda… read more
I am requesting your intervention in a legal matter that has far-reaching implications for the future of our nation’s liberty.… read more
Never before in our nation's history have the civil liberties of Canadians been under such an assault as they are… read more