U posljednjih nekoliko godina mi, stanari ulice Pantovčaka, višestruko smo se obraćali gradskoj vlasti sa zamolbom za poduzimanje učinkovitih mjera… read more
Peticija za uvođenje zabrane spaljivanja lišća, smeća i dr. u gradskom području Tuzle, kao i rigoroznih kazni za osobe koje… read more
Your support is requested to revert the dwelling size, square footage, and height restriction rules within the Deer Mountain ACC… read more
Please sign this Petition if you believe Hamilton, Victoria will grow and become a larger populated city with the approval… read more
Update 26/Sep/11: the original petition used a funding model based on a developer sponsored Bicycle Transition Centre and the development… read more
Recent proposals for new developments in Vauxhall have raised concerns about the very high densities of high-rise developments on and… read more
We need your help to keep the National Railway Museum Carpark and stop all of Port Adelaide's buses being routed… read more
Dear Citizens and Residents of Louisiana, By now you are likely aware that New Orleans is once again in the… read more
Fife Council are currently in the process of deciding whether Dunfermline High School should be rebuilt as a new build… read more
A Telecommunication company is proposing to build a 35 metre hight monople antenna directly in front of high density residential… read more