The race For Life event which raises money for Cancer research was due to take place in Alexander Park on… read more
Petition to have SCORE International reevaluate the scoring and penalty procedure used at the 2009 Baja 500 and future races… read more
We are the opposers who strongly want to raise our voices against the idea of getting BoA and TVXQ Yunho… read more
In 1996 a grammar school girl was performing a basket toss (cheerleading stunt) in a Bayonne school gym during school… read more
Directgov is currently advertising for "female presenters" for 'internet babe chat'. Women claiming benefits are already in a vulnerable… read more
**UPDATE! It has been months now since Rt_Charli was banned. Twitch still has not responded to her with why she… read more
Amanda brunker, a journilist for "The Sunday World" visited Dungarvan, to watch the Clare V.S. Waterford match. She claimed that… read more
Ez a petício azért van , hogy kérjük a Megawattot , hogy csináljanak egy egész órás special müsort a Zero-G… read more
Προκειμένου νὰ περιορισθοῦν οἱ ἀντιδράσεις τῶν εὐρωπαϊκῶν λαῶν στὸν ἐπιχειρούμενο περιορισμὸ τῶν ἀτομικῶν, κοινωνικῶν καὶ συνδικαλιστικῶν δικαιωμάτων καὶ ἐλευθεριῶν, ἡ… read more
On the 7th of August 2010 my brother took his life off this bridge. My brother was suffering from a… read more