AMENDMENT 1/09/12: Lone Parent Family Support has closed however the fight continues. We have set up & Incorporated a new… read more
We are trying to get a neighborhood Cemetery cleaned up that is located in Twelve mile Indiana. This cemetery has… read more
Thank you for visiting the petition site. Given the significant positive changes in logistics of supply distribution in Haiti the… read more
香港浸會大學逸夫校園(新校)的兩間餐廳—聯福餐廳及聯福樓(同屬潤時國際有限公司經營)—於6月28日正式結業,改由大家樂旗下的泛亞飲食有限公司營辦。今時今日,外判商的替換變更本是平常事,然而,是次聯福餐廳及聯福樓的結業,潤時卻拖欠20多位工友逾80萬元遣散費、假期補薪、代通知金後揚長而去。 read more
The paediatric (children’s) hospital services will be transferring in stages over the next few years from St James Hospital in… read more
(ALL ARE WELCOME TO SIGN PETITION-NOT LIMITED TO FRONTIER EMPLOYEES) Frontier Airlines' Values: SAFETY: People are priceless. RESPECT: A co-worker… read more
Ova peticija ima svrhu da uveri RTV B92 da serija Buntovnici je jedna od trenutno najpopularnijih serija u Srbiji iako… read more
I ask that the Government release the 1921 census as soon as possible and that census release dates are reduced… read more
Cette pétition est pour les gens qui vivent à Montréal seulement. This petition is for people living in Montreal only.… read more
AFI are an absolutely outstanding punk band, who have inspired us and lots of people we know to choose a… read more