The creation of a skate park would be extremely beneficial to the entire city. The lack of space designed specifically… read more
請願書背景(序言): 南丫島居民的生活,因為HKKF 港九小輪控股有限公司對近年就訪島遊客人數增加的趨勢,缺乏遠見,而變得日漸艱難。 在星期六、日及公眾假期,渡輪公司應保證至少有一部旋轉閘機留給南丫島居民使用,使他們能夠從中環4號碼頭回家。 對南丫島居民而言,渡輪是出入市區的唯一交通。一間為離島居民提供唯一交通出入市區的渡輪公司,卻對渡輪服務的定期使用者作出有限服務,與島外遊客一同以先到先得的措施安排服務,影響居民的出入,是不合常理的。 同時,渡輪公司亦應重新就乘客人數不同情況,作出相應的調配,為服務使用者提供合適大小的船隻和適時的班次調配。既然,每一個週末及公眾假期,居民及遊客對渡輪服務的需求,已經是一個可見的事實, HKKF 港九小輪控股有限公司不應再有任何藉口就這顯然的服務需求缺乏長遠的計劃。 Living on Lamma has become even harder due to the lack of… read more
The aim is to urge local councils and housing Associations to make ex service families a priority on housing lists.… read more
Cadburys belongs in Great Britain, we love Cadburys, don't let USA take it from us. read more
The Support the Library Bond Referendum Coalition was formed by private citizens and members of the libraries' Friends groups to… read more
The Government of Alberta wants to build a campground/RV park on the north side of Cold Lake, directly over top… read more
Unfortunately all parents were informed that from 31st August 2017 Middlethorpe Pre School (run by Cleethorpes Childcare) will be closing.… read more
This is a petition to keep East Runton fair where it should be. It has been coming to East Runton… read more
Technology is being developed that will reinvent the wheel literally! This technology is already used by the US ARMY, US… read more
On the first of July each year Territorians celebrate Territory Day, marking the commencement of Self Government in the Territory… read more