- Target:
- Robert L. Crowder, Sheriff
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.spca4pets.org
This petition is being started due to the public outcry of inhumane treatment to animals. The following letter aims to stop the rodeo in Martin County.
Robert L. Crowder. Sheriff
Martin County Office of Sheriff
800 SE Monterey Road
Stuart, Florida 34994
September 10, 2005
Dear Sheriff Crowder,
We are the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of the Treasure Coast. As such, we are dismayed to learn the office of sheriff is sponsoring a harsh, cruel event which inflicts pain on animals. The forthcoming rodeo fund raiser for the Florida Sheriff Youth Ranches is unacceptable and out of character to all the positive things you have done for animals in this community. Our organization is getting complaints about this on a daily basis. It would be an understatement to state that many people are very upset.
Rodeo attractions including tight straps about the abdomen and genitals of horses to make them "buck", the use of electric prods with electric currents to get the horses and cattle running, chasing and roping/tying of cattle and young calves are just a few of the cruel, painful events instilled on these victimized animals.
Encouraging inhumane episodes, especially in full view of children, is contradictory to our mission of kindness and compassion for all creatures. It is especially disturbing since many animal organizations here have worked together with your office to prohibit inhumane acts on animals in Martin County.
Martin County Animal Control Division protects the community against cruelty to animals, while Martin County Sheriff Department promotes it.
The Undersigned
Dear Sheriff Crowder,
We are the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of the Treasure Coast. As such, we are dismayed to learn the office of sheriff is sponsoring a harsh, cruel event which inflicts pain on animals. The forthcoming rodeo fund raiser for the Florida Sheriff Youth Ranches is unacceptable and out of character to all the positive things you have done for animals in this community. Our organization is getting complaints about this on a daily basis. It would be an understatement to state that many people are very upset.
Rodeo attractions including tight straps about the abdomen and genitals of horses to make them "buck", the use of electric prods with electric currents to get the horses and cattle running, chasing and roping/tying of cattle and young calves are just a few of the cruel, painful events instilled on these victimized animals.
Encouraging inhumane episodes, especially in full view of children, is contradictory to our mission of kindness and compassion for all creatures. It is especially disturbing since many animal organizations here have worked together with your office to prohibit inhumane acts on animals in Martin County.
Martin County Animal Control Division protects the community against cruelty to animals, while Martin County Sheriff Department promotes it.
The Undersigned
September 10, 2005
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The Stop the Rodeo in Martin County! petition to Robert L. Crowder, Sheriff was written by catarina wyatt and is in the category Animal Rights at GoPetition.