The Pope

We just need to reclaim the Holy Land for The Pope. The infidel have ruled the land for way too long, we need to reclaim it as soon as possible or we risk loosing it forever, which no-one wants. I, and my other Crusader friends, would be honored if the rest of you, would help us in this Crusade, you don't have to become a Crusader yourself, just.. help us economically or by any means you can. Those who are brave enough to join us on this dangerous quest, will be rewarded by retaking the Holy Land and "liberating" all the lost souls of the infidels along the way by "converting" them. (Please note that "liberating" and "converting" could literally just mean killing them, but.. you don't need to know that)

We, the Crusaders, call on The Pope to begin an another Crusade to reclaim the long lost Holy Land. Sing this if you want to see the Holy Land in our hands again.

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The START A CRUSADE petition to The Pope was written by Atik Phoenix and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.

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