- Target:
- Saint Benedict Parish
- Region:
- Ghana
The saint Benedict parish in the quest to find executives to lead the congregation opened up normation for individuals to contest for the following positions Chairman, Vice Chaiman and Secretaries. Nomination forms were filled and individuals were called for vetting and individual were selected to fill up the positions which is not constitutionally right. We are by this note petitioning the electoral board of the church to provide answers to some actions taken by them
We request the church electoral board to take action on the following
The electoral board by constitution were supposed to inform the electorate of the individuals who had picked form and are eligible for vetting. We there seek to findout the nomination forms of each individual
The electoral board are supposed to convey to the electorate the undividuals who have passed vetting and are eligible to be voted for. We therefore seek more explanation on this issue and reasons to why some individuals were disqualified.
The electoral board were supposed to give room to vetted individuals to conduct their campaign which was not done. We therefore seek for more explanation on this action that was taken by the electoral board
It has come to our notice some individuals were not present for the day the vetting was conducted but has been given position to lead the church. We seek for an explanation
The postion of the Secretary we know is supposed to be contested for and the second runner up emerges as the vice secretary, it came to our noticed that, four individuals picked form for that position yet there was no election and individuals were selected to fill the position of the secretary and the vice as well.
To our best of knowledge, positions that have only one nominee, a referendum has to be seeked to elect the said individual to occupy that postion yet it wasn't done that way. We seek for clarification on this action taken.
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