#Local Government
Wollongong City Council

William Beach Rd is a no through residential road. The end of the street is a car park for parking access to Webb Park.
During soccer season, cars park on both sides of the street, creating a 'one way' road for 200 meters.
There are not enough double driveways to allow for adequate flow of traffic, resulting in standstills and no movement.
In the event that any emergency services needed to access the street for a resident, or for someone at the soccer grounds, they would unable to get there.
It is also dangerous for residents and young players walking to the fields, as some drivers even drive across the footpaths to try and gain access.
We have requested that Wollongong City Council place a "no parking" restriction on the north side of the street (to allow easier vision for cars entering from field street) from April to September, Saturdays 8am until midday.
We have also requested additional parking spots, as there is ample unused space next to the car park, and also on the other side of the field near the tennis courts.
Wollongong City Council has asked for signatures to show community support.

We, the undersigned, agree that Wollongong City Council should implement the "No Parking" on the northern side of William Beach Rd, Kanahooka, with restrictions of April to September, Saturday 8am to Midday.
We show our community support for implementing this for safety of the residents, and soccer players.

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The Safer William Beach Road petition to Wollongong City Council was written by Kate Lee and is in the category Local Government at GoPetition.