- Target:
- West Berkshire District Council
- Region:
- United Kingdom
- Website:
- eisbag.ning.com
From the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People at West Berkshire Council:
"Elected Members have reviewed this decision... we have listened to local concerns about seasonal conditions and other factors"
"In the light of this evidence I have decided to overrule the recent decision to withdraw the transport"
I am sure the support for our campaign offered through this petition made a significant contribution to their change of heart.
Many thanks to everyone who took the time to sign the petition.
Parents of the children concerned have today (12/3/09) received a letter from the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People at West Berkshire Council:
"Elected Members have reviewed this decision... we have listened to local concerns about seasonal conditions and other factors"
"In the light of this evidence I have decided to overrule the recent decision to withdraw the transport"
I am sure the support for our campaign offered through this petition made a significant contribution to the decision to reverse their decision.
Many thanks to everyone who took the time to sign the petition.
West Berkshire Council have decided to withdraw the existing free bus service that takes children aged 11-16 from East Ilsley to The Downs School at Compton on the grounds that they have identified an alternative ‘Safe Walking Route’. This is to take effect from 1st April 2009.
The parents of the children concerned do not believe this to be a safe route for children to walk, even if accompanied by an adult.
The proposed 'safe walking route' requires the children to walk 3 miles each way to and from school every day. The route includes several sections of road where there are no pavements and long sections of 'cross-country', unsurfaced, uneven and unlit byways, open to all traffic, which are remote from civilisation. Throughout the winter, the children will need to walk much of the route in the dark.
We the undersigned are opposed to West Berkshire District Council’s withdrawal of the school bus service from East Ilsley to the Downs school, Compton, offering instead a 6 mile a day walk across mainly exposed downland as the only guaranteed, green, free alternative.
We do not consider the proposed walking route reasonably safe, given the daylight and weather conditions that can be expected, regardless of whether the child was accompanied as necessary or not.
The Proposed walking route to school is unsafe petition to West Berkshire District Council was written by MickP and is in the category Roads & Transport at GoPetition.