United States of America

Game Freak is planning for a RSE remake for the Nintendo 3DS.

000. Deoxys
001. Treecko
002. Grovyle
003. Sceptile
004. Torchic
005. Combusken
006. Blaziken
007. Mudkip
008. Mashtomp
009. Swampert
010. Slakoth
011. Vigoroth
012. Slaking
013. Taillow
014. Swellow
015. Wurmple
016. Silcoon
017. Beautifly
018. Cascoon
019. Dustox
020. Machop
021. Machoke
022. Machamp
023. Tentacool
024. Tentacruel
025. Tropius
026. Chingling
027. Chimecho
028. Geodude
029. Graveler
030. Golem
031. Vulpix
032. Ninetails
033. Zubat
034. Golbat
035. Crobat
036. Budew
037. Roselia
038. Roserade
039. Electrike
040. Manectric
041. Pichu
042. Pikachu
043. Raichu
044. Zigzagoon
045. Linoone
046. Poochyena
047. Mightyena
048. Sandshrew
049. Sandslash
050. Shroomish
051. Breloom
052. Ralts
053. Kirlia
054. Gardevoir
055. Gallade
056. Voltorb
057. Electrode
058. Duskull
059. Dusclops
060. Dusknoir
061. Seedot
062. Nuzleaf
063. Shiftry
064. Lotad
065. Lombre
066. Ludicolo
067. Surskit
068. Masquerain
069. Mawile
070. Sableye
071. Plusle
072. Minun
073. Azurill
074. Marill
075. Azumarill
076. Absol
077. Numel
078. Camerupt
079. Koffing
080. Weezing
081. Grimer
082. Muk
083. Luvdisc
084. Spinda
085. Baltoy
086. Claydol
087. Volbeat
088. Illumise
089. Doduo
090. Dodrio
091. Magikarp
092. Gyarados
093. Anorith
094. Armaldo
095. Lileep
096. Cradily
097. Solrock
098. Lunatone
099. Swablu
100. Altaria
101. Igglybuff
102. Jigglypuff
103. Wigglytuff
104. Shuppet
105. Banette
106. Whismur
107. Loudred
108. Exploud
109. Nincada
110. Ninjask
111. Shedninja
112. Nosepass
113. Probopass
114. Meditite
115. Medicham
116. Natu
117. Xatu
118. Wynaut
119. Wobbuffet
120. Heracross
121. Pinsir
122. Psyduck
123. Golduck
124. Wailmer
125. Wailord
126. Carvanha
127. Sharpedo
128. Gulpin
129. Swalot
130. Magnemite
131. Magneton
132. Magnezone
133. Aron
134. Lairon
135. Aggron
136. Goldeen
137. Seaking
138. Spoink
139. Grumpig
140. Castform
141. Oddish
142. Gloom
143. Vileplume
144. Bellossom
145. Corphish
146. Crawdaunt
147. Cacnea
148. Cacturne
149. Barboach
150. Whiscash
151. Torkoal
152. Slugma
153. Magcargo
154. Skarmory
155. Abra
156. Kadabra
157. Alakazam
158. Skitty
159. Delcatty
160. Feebas
161. Milotic
163. Staryu
164. Starmie
165. Chinchou
166. Lanturn
167. Corsola
168. Horsea
169. Seadra
170. Kingdra
171. Snorunt
172. Glalie
173. Froslass
174. Spheal
175. Sealeo
176. Walrein
177. Clamperl
178. Huntail
179. Gorebyss
180. Kecleon
181. Trapinch
182. Vibrava
183. Flygon
184. Makuhita
185. Hariyama
186. Rhyhorn
187. Rhydon
188. Rhyperior
189. Relicanth
190. Phanpy
191. Donphan
192. Girafarig
193. Zangoose
194. Seviper
195. Wingull
196. Pelipper
197. Beldum
198. Metang
199. Metagross
200. Bagon
201. Shelgon
202. Salamence
203. Latios
204. Latias
205. Groudon
206. Kyogre
207. Rayquaza
208. Regirock
209. Regice
210. Registeel
211. Regigigas
212. Jirachi

What do you think the remake name ideas should be?

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The Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire Versions Remade for the 3DS petition to JaCoB was written by Jacob Kuhn and is in the category Gaming at GoPetition.