- Target:
- The Courts
- Region:
- United States of America
The paternal Grandmother of baby boy of 18 months filed for joinder under false grounds and false facts/statements. The Joinder was still Granted!
After, Grandma filed a motion to requests visitations un supervised. The baby doesn't even know them and vice versa to say there is an en dangared pre-existing bond.
I had a brief with points and authorities with case law and state codes/ laws made, was grantedsupervised visits at my home every week for 2 hours at my convinience.
Grandma showed on a day she wasn't supposed to, put my mother and child in dangers way, I then filed a TRO
but the Judge denied it because I wasn't the victim.
Now grandparents get un supervised visits with supervised pick up and drop off and we both have to pay. Grandparents have been getting away with it all, the court doesn't want to hear me out. I have plenty of laws, statues, codes, case laws, evidence, testimonials, witnesses, and it is almost as if I were the invinsible parent. I have been the parent 100 percent of the time, the other parent is not around. There is no pre existing bond or anything that the court should have to go by to allow forced visits.
They have had my child dropped off with vomit on his clothes, un approved medicine stains on his shirt, chocolate, it goes on and on. HELP Your petition counts!
I, Evelyn, of the State of California, of the USA, ask others in state and country to petition for the abolishment of forced visitation.
Visitations should be built upon the parental say and assumption that the fit parent is right secondly the laws and statues, and thirdly under discretion and convinience of the fit parent.
I need your help, please petition. If you believe forced visitations is not in a baby's best interest and the fit parent has the right to say NO please sign.
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The Parent's Rights are Child's Rights! petition to The Courts was written by Evelyn and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.