- Target:
- Board of Trustees, Liberty University
- Region:
- United States of America
This is a letter to the Board of Trustees at Liberty University expressing concern over the tone and content of a recent Twitter post by Jerry Falwell Jr., the President of the University. We feel his public disrespect of a person expressing an idea, in this case, another Christian leader concerned about the welfare of children, is against the core mission of Liberty University and Christianity in general.
Please read the post and comments for yourself, and the letter urging the board to consider taking action, and lend your voice if you agree.
Liberty University
Board of Trustees
1971 University Blvd.
Lynchburg, VA 24515
Dear Board of Trustees,
We, a group of concerned alumni and faculty of Liberty University, and above all followers of Christ, believe it is time for Mr. Falwell to step down from his position as President. The board of trustees must elect a President that embodies the mission statement of Liberty University: “Persons are spiritual, rational, moral, social and physical, created in the image of God. They are, therefore, able to know and to value themselves and other persons, the universe, and God.” This includes Russell Moore and refugee children at the Texas border.
We are gravely dismayed over the recent public remarks of Mr. Falwell on social media. The reckless comments are damaging to the University’s reputation, its graduates, and faculty, and are misleading as to the beliefs and attitudes of Christianity as a whole. It is also our persuasion that this public behavior will no doubt cause the general public, including our businesses and personal associates, to cast aspersions upon our degrees and our alma mater.
This is not a political statement on the issue of refugees in the United States. In fact, those signing this letter of complaint come from various political opinions on the matter. This letter also does not intend to delve into the veracity of the Associated Press reports of conditions for children at the border, nor the character or history of Russell Moore, the man to which Mr. Falwell was responding. To the point, this letter serves to express disappointment and dissent to both the attitude shown by Mr. Falwell toward the issue at hand (the welfare of children) and his abusive address toward Mr. Moore on the social media platform, Twitter.
By brushing aside an issue that was raised regarding the health and welfare of children, Mr. Falwell was speaking against the very core mission of Liberty University, which has always been a significant supporter of humanitarian work. Secondly, by treating another person with utter disrespect and saying that he had no right to speak to “any issue” is not only against the foundations of the central concept of Biblical love, but it is also against the idea for which the university is named—Liberty.
Our hope is that the board will act by the spirit of James 3:17 on this matter: “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
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The Letter of Complaint to the Board of Trustees at Liberty University petition to Board of Trustees, Liberty University was written by Holly Sanford and is in the category Education at GoPetition.