#Consumer Affairs
United Kingdom

Do do a very stupid rule Animal Tracks are to be evicted from their shop on North Seaton Industrial Estate, Ashington, Northumberland, United Kinkgdom.

Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/home.php?sk=group_116973955031835&ap=1

Animal Tracks is a wonderful business with very friendly and helpful staff and parking is free, plentiful and close to the shop. It is perfect for customers particularly the elderly, infirm and disabled. I myself am still recovering from cancer treatment and have to buy bulky items for my pets. Particularly sand and filter equipment for the turtles (see the picture section of the group), I like to buy in bulk because of cost savings but would not be able to if the parking was not so convenient.

There is also a nice bakery on the estate which means going to the pet shop is a little outing followed by a picnic lunch.

The variety of animals on view at Animal Tracks is amazing and make it a pleasure to visit. If it was stuck on a high street with limited or no parking this would no longer be the case.

I believe from talking to the owners that they received money in grants from Wansbeck Council and Go Wansbeck. What a waste of public money if they are force to move (or close) especially in this economic climate.

Surely all planning consents etc were passed BEFORE any grants were awarded, and if they were given in error then the council should just bit the bullet and learn from experience rather than damage a successful small business.

The rates etc are much higher in the area the council want to move them so to survive Animal Tracks would have to lose staff and even then the move could put them out of business.

This is a very important shop, many a pet store has fallen under economic strain over the years - DO NO LET US LOSE THIS ONE. PLEASE JOIN and SUPPORT US.

Membership lists will be used as a protest to the council.

Many Thanks.

We, the undersigned, call on our local council to take action and keep our pet shop Animal Tracks open and in the present location at North Seaton Industrial estate.

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The Keep our pet shop Animal Tracks open petition to Northumberland was written by Amanda Groves and is in the category Consumer Affairs at GoPetition.