- Target:
- The minister for Health and Children
- Region:
- Ireland
A leaked report for the government and HSE contains plans to close down A&E services in St.John’s, Nenagh and Ennis hospitals. If introduced these cuts will put peoples lives at risk throughout the Mid-west region. These plans must be fought by patients, communities and the trade unions.
And what's to say that these closures will not continue throught the whole of Ireland in the next few months & years as the country gets worse off & the government keeps cutting costs in all sectors with no regard to human life, SAVING MONEY SEEMS TO COME BEFORE SAVING LIVES and this needs to end ASAP.
A similar report, the Hanly Report, in 2003 was defeated when around 15,000 people protested in Ennis. This shows that people power can force back the governments agenda. If the government try to implement this new report it must be met by similar protests and even strike action by workers. Urgent action is needed quick before more & more people needlessly DIE.
We the undersigned, the people of Ireland and beyond, call on the Government, Minister for health & children & an toiseach to stop the needless closures of these A&E Departments, & any more planned for the future, & start thinking about making the lives of thousands 1st priority before trying to save money.
People before profit, not profit before people. STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!!
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The Irish Hospitals A&E Closure Law Petition petition to The minister for Health and Children was written by Vincent Ward and is in the category Health at GoPetition.