For the Resignation of Craig Collins as Principal of Harrison Arts Center
- Jessica Eisenberg
- Closed on
- Target:
- Polk County School Board
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
The petition was able to give many current students, alumni, parents, and arts supporters an outlet to voice their opinions on the integrity of Harrison Arts Center.
Never, was this meant to personally attack anyone, but to look at the issues at hand. Many had written letters to the School Board before the start of the petition, and many will continue to write if changes are not made.
Thanks to everyone who signed the petition and spread the word. You should never be afraid to say what you believe.
Harrison Arts Center Alumni need to be made aware of the changes within our school in the past 6 years, and of the current students and past faculty who have been up in arms.
*The refusal to renew LeeAnn Haley's contract, on the basis that she does not fit the vision of the school, thus making it impossible for her to find future employment in the area.
*Censoring gay students, and demanding they not speak of being homosexual to anyone at school, as "it is not the Harrison way."
*Telling multiple students their career plan or college plan is a waste and that they will fail.
*Protest held by current students against the administration's decision to fire LeeAnn Haley.
*Editorials in The Ledger about the outrageous amount of money used to create a million dollar glass wall in the new Harrison building, and editorials defending LeeAnn Haley and blasting the current administration.
*The intense focus of the administration on the new building instead of the integrity and artistry of the school, including the willingness to spend millions on the superficial, but nothing to preserve the talented teachers.
*Refusal to approve "Damn Yankees" as an all school musical because the title may be offensive. Refusing to allow a student to read a poem about the Iraq war because it was anti-American. (examples of the censorship that is taking place.)
Harrison Arts Center is unrecognizable to the school we once attended. As artists we have an obligation to ensure the quality of what we left behind by standing by what we believe in and those who taught us the way. These new generations will not know what they are missing, but it is their arts education that will suffer the largest cost.
We, the undersigned, demand the School Board of Polk County to evaluate the negative effects of the current administration on the school Harrison Arts Center, and review the performance of Craig Collins, as head of that administration.
The For the Resignation of Craig Collins as Principal of Harrison Arts Center petition to Polk County School Board was written by Jessica Eisenberg and is in the category Education at GoPetition.