- Target:
- The Rodeo Mafia (all involved and all fans/supporters)
- Region:
- New Zealand
- Website:
- www.rodeocruelty.com
Rodeo must be ended once and for all.
I am focusing on the saviour of horses, but I speak for all other victims of rodeo (any animal).
The rodeo mafia claim that their sadistic terrorism (rodeo) is a 'sport' and 'art'. What they don't tell you is that they are making a game out of torturing, terrorizing, maiming and brutally killing (literally) countless animal lives.
Animals are subjected to extreme violence, that would result in anything from a simple fine to a death-sentence if it were taken out on a human, in order to make them 'perform' for the crowd and the judges. This violence includes roping the animals, throwing them, and hauling their faces, heads, bodies and legs into 'chute' and enclosure walls/bars; punching and kicking the animals in the face, head, body and legs; biting the animals ears; raking the animals' tails along chutes and enclosures (sometimes breaking the tail); electrocuting the animals in the face, head and body with a 5-6000volt hand-held device (aptly named the HotShot); and the sadism continues on and on.
The animals are so tortured and terrified before they even leave the chute that some suffer and even die from heart-attacks. Once out of the chute, the horses are forced to endure open gaping fles wounds caused by the flank (or buck) strap - which the rodeo mafia will tell you is only used loose; they are forced to continue 'performing' with severed spinal cords, broken backs, broken necks, (several) broken legs, broken tails (from the chute torture), smashed skulls, eye injuries, severed mouths, cracked and heinously neglected hooves, pulled and ripped tendons, ligaments and muscles, flesh wounds from spurs... and the list goes on. Any manner of even minor flesh wounds is completely ignored.
This is not to mention the overwhelming mental anguish the horses are forced to suffer. If a horse does not perform, they are taken 'behind-the-scenes' and beaten. Sometimes to death. This includes the same torture the horse endured before they were forced to buck, and it only gets worse: some are shot repeatedly with firearms, and left to bleed to death. They are then sent to slaughter.
Those who survive their punishment are also sent to slaughter. This means they are hauled on to a filthy, unsanitary stock-truck, jammed into a space not big enough to allow even any head-movement, forced to stand (sometimes for several days travel on end), corralled into tiny enclosures at the slaughter plant where they are completely neglected (given no food, no water, and no shelter) until they are forced into a runner - deaths row - then shot repeatedly (most commonly with a captive bolt gun or a nail gun), or stabbed repeatedly in the spinal cord until paralyzed, then whilst they're still alive (some even moving), they're hung from their back fetlocks and skinned alive, and cut down the middle - starting from their delicate, once-pretty faces. The horse will only then have their misery ended when their head is completely severed off, as will their limbs. RODEO PROFITS FROM THIS.
A bill was passed to end rodeo victims' from being sent to the further misery of death at slaughter plants, but over-turned by the "ANIMAL WELFARE CO-ORDINATOR" of the Pro Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA).
For more information and to see the actual bill, please visit SHARK's (Showing Animals Respect and Kindness) websites. It is on horsekillers.com, rodeocruelty.com, and thecrueltruth.com
Have yourself a field day.
Because of the world-wide exposure of the truth about rodeo, not only the torture-devices are being banned, but actual rodeo's are being banned.
Let's make New Zealand the next country that rodeo is made illegal in.
The rodeo mafia have already denied (on international broadcasts), actual photographic and video evidence that they are cruel terrorists, and what they do to appease their sadistic desires.
The rodeo mafia are either first-class criminals or in some way associated with first-class crimes, for example murder, man-slaughter, RAPE, CHILD-PORNOGRAPHY, fraud, etc, etc.
Do your research and find out for yourself.
Let's stop people making a game out of inducing pain, terror and brutal death onto innocent, helpless animals, who's cries are ignored (and to a naive audience, are mistaken for rank wildness).
Let's stop horses with several broken legs being dragged and hauled around the ring in a spectacle, forced to walk out of the arena and stand (on their broken legs) in a tiny enclosure so small they are not even afforded the luxury of laying down, having a trailer parked in front of them so the audience can't see the misery, then sent to slaughter.
Let's end it now.
Once and for all.
We, the undersigned, call on the world to show the New Zealand government that rodeo is wrong, and must be stopped now - once and for all.
We call on the New Zealand Prime Minister, and the citizens and residents of New Zealand (and beyond) to show dignity, respect and compassion to fellow species upon your/our land.
We must make rodeo illegal, and issue the heaviest penalties for ignorance to the new law which WILL take effect.
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The End RODEO In New Zealand petition to The Rodeo Mafia (all involved and all fans/supporters) was written by Samantha Katerina Bondarenko and is in the category Law & Order at GoPetition.