- Target:
- Angelo Dallas
- Region:
- United States of America
- Website:
- www.usinjustice.com
At present - "The System" is forcibly taking people who have made provisions for themselves into "custody". When this happens, the person becomes a "ward of the state", thereby losing ALL their assets, monies, property, home, and even RIGHTS ! This then means since the person is a ward of the state, that the state can collect Federal Grant monies for their care, assume their assets and dispose of that person where and how they please! Categorically, this is done, NOT always in the Best Interest of the person, but in the BEST FINANCIAL GAIN of the State and local municipalities.
The spirit of this petition is to ensure that if you create the above documents, Your Wishes will be Honored and You and Your Family will be treated and respected as you made provisions for and not allow the government the ability to "rubber stamp" you into "the system" as it is now doing. (www.usinjustice.com)
We the People, of the United States of America, sign this petition in Protest stating;
The Government, it's agents, agencies, courts and it's assignees are ignoring the Rights of the American People.
In particular, We State: WE STAND FOR THE RIGHTS of those who have created legal documents, making provisions for their care, and execution of their estate plans to have PRECEDENT AND PRIORITY and that the courts nor any other agency, official or individual other than whom we have appointed, should be able to, overturn, undo, or interfere with our wishes, plans and desires. This was the core reason and we have made it known to our designated "agent" and in our documents known as: POWER OF ATTORNEY, HEALTH CARE POWER OF ATTORNEY, and our "Last WILL and Testament".
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The Elder Abuse by "The System" petition to Angelo Dallas was written by Angelo Dallas and is in the category Human Rights at GoPetition.