Mission Viejo City Hall
United States of America

The Goal Of CycleToRecyce is to provide the community with a fun and healthy way to clean our neighborhoods and cities. We aim to clean our streets, sidewalks, and trails from the comfort of our bikes. CycleToRecycle is the newest, funnest, and the healthiest way to give back to the community. During these difficult times especially, it is important to give the community an outlet that allows them to be social and healthy, while also being safe. I vow, as the founder of CycleToRecycle that this will be a non profit organization. One that only wishes the best for our community, which is why I would like to reward those who I can for spending their time giving back to the community.

We, the community of Mission Viejo, call for the city Mission Viejo to recognize CycleToRecycle as a community service.

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The CycleToRecycle For Service Hours petition to Mission Viejo City Hall was written by Brian Vargas and is in the category Environment at GoPetition.