- Target:
- Governor General and Justice Minister of Canada
- Region:
- Canada
- Website:
- operationshutdownpuellula.com
Concerning Lindsay Ashford's pro-pedophile web site puellula (www.puellula.com www.puellula.org) and other pro=pedophile websites like it.
"Note:it has come to my attention via media that a webhosting company, EPIFORA, out of Montreal Quebec, is host to sites for pedophiles, and is the known hosting company for an Admitted American pedophile by the name of Jack McClellan, where he lists public events where little girls are known to attend, taking pictures of these young girls without parental consent and posting them on his website; his site was taken down by Network Solutions while he resided in Washington state and is now up again,and EPIFORA being the new hosting company of his re-launched site will be another focus of this petition."
Above amendment to this petition made on June 17th 2007
Any Human with a heart and a mind can see that this is a veiled attempt by a pedophile to seduce young children into having sex with adults. This could result in the rape of a young child, child molestation, child abuse, At the very least, it is a threat to our children and it should not be taken lightly or hidden behind free speech!
Sites such as these affect young children world wide and passes international boundaries and the potential to harm millions of children world wide. This is a crime against Humanity! A Crime against the most innocent sector of our world society.
Other agencies that this petition will be addressed to:
* The Canadian Coalition Against Internet Child Exploitation
* The Canadian Association of Internet Providers
* The Canadian Competition Bureau under the Competition Act of Canada
* Canadian Ministries governing Child Welfare and Protection
* The Canadian Ombudsman
* And my local MLA's
This is a call for the Canadian Government , to take action against online websites hosted and operated by pedophiles. One site of this petitions focus is a pro-pedophile web site puellula (www.puellula.com www.puellula.org) owned by a self admitted pedophile LIndsay Ashford.His Sugar and Spice portion of his site targets young girls to think it's O.K to have sexual relationships with adults.
Any Human with a heart and a mind can see that this is a veiled attempt by a pedophile to seduce young children into having sex with adults. This could result in the rape of a young child, child molestation, child abuse, At the very least, it is a threat to our children and it should not be taken lightly or hidden behind free speech!
Ashfords reach is world wide and passes international boundaries and the potential to harm millions of children world wide. This is a crime against Humanity! A Crime against the most innocent sector of our world society.
As set out in the Statute, crimes against humanity include crimes such as the extermination of civilians, enslavement, torture, rape, forced pregnancy, persecution on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious or gender grounds, and enforced disappearances - but only when they are part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against a civilian population.
This is a call to beseech our Canadian government to legislate new laws making it illegal to host websites of this nature on the internet and all parties involved in doing so be held accountable and that law enforcement agencies have a global reach in investigating them for suspicions of child pornography and child sexual abuse.
The "widespread or systematic" qualification for crimes against humanity is very important, as it provides a higher threshold, requiring a particular magnitude and/or scope before a crime qualifies for the Court's jurisdiction. This differentiates random acts of violence - such as rape, murder, or even torture - that could be carried out, perhaps even by soldiers in uniform, but which may not actually qualify as crimes against humanity.
We Request Governments World Wide, for the citizens of the world, For The Children World Wide, To Take Action NOW!
You can further help this campaign by sponsoring it
The Criminalize Online Pedophile Websites petition to Governor General and Justice Minister of Canada was written by Charmeyn Sinclaire and is in the category Children's Rights at GoPetition.