Citizens of Albemarle County ask the Board of Supervisors to fully fund the school's budget request

- Target:
- Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
- Region:
- United States of America
If the United States economy is to maintain its dominant position in the world, it is imperative to prepare the younger generations for the challenges they face in this global economy.
As the article released in 1,999 by the National Education Association, " Investing in Public Education: The Importance of Schooling in the New Global Economy," explains:
"Global changes are driving a transition toward a service-oriented economy in the U.S., and the declining importance of natural resources and capital, combined with technological changes, make public education the only factor of production allowing continued success.”
The latest results from PISA, Program for International Student Assessment, indicate that the United States continues to perform below average both in the science and mathematics areas. The great technological challenges the United States economy faces call for improved education in science and technology.
Strong public schools make strong communities. Investing in Public Education is the only guarantee our community has to remain competitive in a global economy and maintain the quality of life that we so proudly enjoy. By not providing the funds that are necessary to educate and transform the young, we fail to provide a better future not only for them, but for the entire society. Therefore,
In light of the imminent budget cuts that our community faces, the efforts that school administrators are making to continue to provide quality education for all children despite the persistent budget cuts, and taking into account the Board of Supervisors' campaign of providing a World Class Education which in turn is consistent with the data provided in this introduction, the citizens of Albemarle County feel compelled to ask the Board of Supervisors to fully fund the school's budget request.
We, the undersigned, ask the Board of Supervisors to fully fund the proposed School Budget for the upcoming academic year 2010 - 2011.
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The Citizens of Albemarle County ask the Board of Supervisors to fully fund the school's budget request petition to Albemarle County Board of Supervisors was written by Carmen Garcia and is in the category Education at GoPetition.