all south africans
South Africa
like us on Facebook type Christian Ambassadors For All South Africa

Christian Ambassadors For All South Africans New Political Party stand for inter alia :
- christian values and principles
- the poor, unemployed woman children and people with disability and all vulnerable like aged people
- creating enduring employments, promoting small businesses, providing substantial grands to unemployed
- prevent and curb crime by removing from earth perpetrators of inhuman crime to set are people free, and form a gun free country.
- create wealth for our people by working together with our own well to do people fostering investments in their own country
- treating heavily poverty stricken areas as state of emergency, stripping off poverty, no one of our people go to bed without food.
- delivery of services for essential services- zero tolerance
- provide free education, primary and secondary and tertiary to be efficiently subsidiced

We know death penalty is the most controversial issue, but we have done our homework, it should be instituted as soon as yesterday.

We need 500 names and ID's to register this Party, we need your help, see us in the 2018 Election.

Thank you in advance.

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The Christian Ambassadors for All South Africans: A New Political Party petition to all south africans was written by pastor Mongwai Sam Mogano and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.