- Target:
- Fox News Channel
- Region:
- Website:
- my.voyager.net
Have you noticed the Decline of Women in Skirts, or as a matter of fact women Period on FNC? Hell Its true!
Roger Alies, The Old Terd CEO of the Company went and ruined it for all of us and guess what, hes suffering from it as even though they are still #1, Are suffering ratings drops due to his continuing stupidity! Lets Take a Look at Whats Happening now!
#1. FNC Is Rumored to Have Gotten Rid of 3 Women: Donna Fiducia, Martha McCallum and Jamie Colby, If this is True what Queers are they Getting Rid of? Have not heard of 1 Guy on FNC Getting the Boot! FNC is Turning into YMCA! They already Canned 2 of the Best Women, Dair Alexander & Laurie Dhue who Got Demoter By Going to that Crappy as Hell Geraldo show!
#2. Brigitte Quinn Gets Kicked off the 10AM Weekday show and who automatically gets promoted?! Thats Right! The Transexual who never wears skirts Jane "I Have a Penis" Skinner!
#3. The Camera Shots that Used to be there are gone now on FNL and On Fox and Friends Now We get More Cruddy looking skirts from Alysin and Page! When They do wear the occasional good skirt they usually screw the fans with Papers all over the lap, banners, or laptops blocking!
If You need Further Convincing Of What Fox News Channel USed to Be Before the Crap Started, Heres some pics as a Nice Refresher:
#1 Example: Take Brigitte Quinn For Example! Heres 2 Albums Featuring all the Great Leg Shes Shown in the Past!:
#2. Example: And What About Page Hopkins! Really She Got Pushed Back to Just Sundays only at 10AM and We Still Even Then Hardly Get Much Leg Like this!:
#3. Example: And The 3rd Example is one I Know we will never see again! The Double Woman Great Leg Shifts!:
An Update!: As you can see Now FNC Is Killing off Fox and Friends Now With All the Good Women off and Martha "I Can Never wear Good Skirts" McCrapum on! Sheesh! FNC Ruining EVERYTHING For us!
Basically Roger Alies Is killing what we used to watch for! If you think FNC needs to head back to the 1999-2001 Era when they used to be watchable, Please Sign the Petition! Thanks!
Sign the Petition to Get back what we so Wrongfully lost, The Great legshows we had on FNC!
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The BRING BACK LEGS ON FNC! petition to Fox News Channel was written by Mark and is in the category Television at GoPetition.