- Target:
- The Saintly and the Not-so Saintly
- Region:
- United States of America
Considering weather reports which predict heavy amounts of rainfall across the northern Gulf of Mexico (including New Orleans, Louisiana and Mobile, Alabama) over the next three days and considering the numbers of parades which are likely to be canceled as a consequence of such precipitation and remembering that those who have enjoyed themselves to the fullest on Mardi Gras and in the days prior are all the more likely to feel genuinely penitent (or at least hungover) on the first day of Lent....
We, the undersigned, earnestly beseech His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to issue a special dispensation allowing for a delay of 24 hours to the beginning of the season of Lent or a shortening of the season of Lent by 24 hours so as to allow all parading organizations in Mobile, Alabama and New Orleans, Louisiana to complete their parade schedules on an unprecedented "Fat Wednesday" allowing genuinely penitent revelers to enter the season of advent in earnest on an unprecedented "Ash Thursday".
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The A Plea to Pope Benedict XVI to Postpone the Beginning of Lent by 24 Hours petition to The Saintly and the Not-so Saintly was written by James Hines and is in the category Religion at GoPetition.