On Friday, 07 May 2004, the culprits of the multiple theft cases around the school were apprehended and caned in… read more
The AI report on Sg's execution rate is a disgrace to human rights. Please sign in to demand a review… read more
Members of the public, students of Anglican High School and people who are reading this petition now, I would like… read more
-We hope to have a better service and lagless MaxOnline 1500... read more
i am cute read more
We are trying to form a Herpetological Society in Singapore and trying to legalize herps in Singapore. But we're faced… read more
This is a petition for the request of reinstating our beloved and great teacher, Mdm Ismiralda, who had been in… read more
Petition for the POC system. We want the old 3 pocs! read more