We are interested in the creation of an official, off-leash dog park at Morches Park here in Columbia City. An… read more
On November 16, 2011, the neighbours that live within 90 metres of Clarkson Rd Presbyterian Church received a notice from… read more
Ik ben net zoals vele andere 31 december 2011 in de gracht van de dodenweg geslipt. mijn auto is pertotal… read more
“Residential Parking Protection Act of 2011” is a proposed law that will, if passed, impose unnecessary and costly burdens on… read more
Στην Ανοιχτή Δημοτική Αγορά Κυψέλης συντελείται πολιτιστικό, κοινωνικό και πολιτικό έργο εδώ και 5 χρόνια και λειτουργεί ως ανοιχτός, ελεύθερος,… read more
The speeding problems on Gordon St. are out of control. Speeds excelling 50mph at times are a serious safety issue… read more
Due to the manner of their inhabitance of the university perimeter, the student body requests that the NYPD Mounted Unit… read more
March 2012 Update Current Project Proposal- Now 3 turf field Systems - ~10 million cost estimates The District is currently… read more
Dear fellow garden lovers, Our Trust aims to create a garden of wide public appeal as a feature of the… read more
Little Clagiraba Reserve is a park that locals have been able to access for over 25 years until approximately 1… read more