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Ngày 24.09.1982 nhà cầm quyền cộng sản Việt Nam đã ký kết xin tham gia, thi hành nhiều công ước… read more
政府就年初法院下令撤銷本台非法廣播案控罪的判決提出上訴,獲高等法院於08年12月12日裁定勝訴,將案件發還原訟庭重審。 12月19日,特首浮雲曾上京述職,求饒阿爺再三施捨特區,並同日派人查封陰乾本台,藉此向阿爺示好,奴才之職,當之無愧! 政府打壓異己之心,路人皆知,封鎖言論自由,亦逼在眉睫,懇請各路網民,簽名支持,爭取公義!打開自由的天空! read more
Les habitants de BIL’IN et NI’LIN, petits villages près de Ramallah, ont choisi la résistance non-violente pour s’opposer au vol… read more
Sexual abuse affects everyone. It affects women, men and children, families and communities. This outreach consists of raising awareness about… read more
There are thousands of people in Australia who were conceived using donated gametes (sperm, eggs or embryos). This practice has… read more
PORTUGUÊS / ENGLISH / FRANÇAIS / DEUTSCH Português Em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, na cidade de Bordéus, em França, um… read more
In recent studies shown in 2002/2003 the use of marijuana is remarkably low with states that have the plant decriminalized… read more
We, the undersigned, make an urgent appeal to MONUC, Congo and Rwanda to fulfil their international obligations and immediately transfer… read more