The whale shark has been around for nearly 60,000,000 (60 million) years but that's about to change. Countries like America… read more
It's is just not right to ban every pit bull because of a few that were not raised w/ the… read more
Animal testing or animal research refers to the use of animals in experiments. It is estimated that 50 to 100… read more
In Canada dozens of burly men bearing clubs roam the ice in snowmobiles and spiked boots in search of silvery… read more
This petition calls on the Portuguese Parliament to establish and enact a new animal protection law in Portugal – to… read more
Petição na qual se pede à Assembleia da República que aprove e implemente uma nova lei de protecção dos animais… read more
We need to save the Pits. They aren't bad animals. The owners that have them and raised them are responsible.… read more
So you think you can keep Bettas in tiny cups? WRONG. Petco and Petsmart has been selling Betta fish in… read more
Due to new rule set down by AVA regarding dog-controlling and impose of higher penalty, more dogs have been forced… read more
There are dogs in the county that attack livestock and are a nuisance to people and there is no law… read more